
Enhance Your Membership Experience

Join a Special Interest Section

ACOEM special interest sections provide meaningful networking opportunities and peer recognition for OEM professionals with shared interests. ACOEM offers sections that cover a wide array of special interest areas. The special interest sections offer extensive networking opportunities and peer recognition.

You can select sections when you join ACOEM or when you renew your membership. If you would like to add a section mid-year, please contact us and we'll assist you. 

Section Members: Log in to ACOEM Connect and click on My Groups to access interactive Section content.

Academic Occupational Medicine

Annual dues are $25. Covers issues pertinent to occupational and environmental medicine education as well as promoting education and training of physicians who do or will practice OEM.

Behavioral Health

Annual dues are $25. The function of our section is to create a forum for mentorship, networking, educational opportunities, and information regarding mental health, wellness, and substance use issues.  We are aligned with the WHO statement that “there is no health without mental health” and believe that our members can serve as leaders for fostering this idea with employers and patients. 

Corporate Medicine

Annual dues are $30. For corporate occupational health directors whose primary practice or main interest is in corporate medicine.

Environmental Health

Annual dues are $25. This section will conduct educational activities to address environmental health issues, and will coordinate its activities with other environmental health organizations and government agencies such as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Federal and Military Occupational & Environmental Medicine

Annual dues are $25. Share information and discuss areas of mutual concern and interest among members who serve on active duty in the armed services or public health service.

Finances and Practice Management

Annual dues are $30. Focuses on OEM practice management issues, especially marketing, adminstrative, regulatory, operational and financial issues unique to OEM practice in its many forms.

Health & Human Performance

Annual dues are $35. Develop consensus guidelines for the assessment and evaluation of measurements of productivity and systems for tracking such measurements in the workplace.

Health Informatics

Annual dues are $25. The Health Informatics Section brings together physicians and other healthcare professionals who are interested in health information technology and issues related to electronic health records as well as a broader range of digital health.

History & Archives

Annual dues are $25. Explores the history of occupational and environmental medicine and the historical forces that shaped it, documents the history of ACOEM and its component societies, and educates College members, colleagues, and the public on the history and traditions of OEM.

Global Occupational & Environmental Health

Annual dues are $25 for Members residing/working in the U.S. and $10 for Members residing/working outside of the U.S. For physicians with an interest in international medicine, this section serves as a focal point for health care professionals desiring information on OEM around the world.

Medical Center Occupational Health

Annual dues are $35. Provides opportunities for participation in educational sessions, open forums, and Internet guideline updates for those with a particular interest in the health and safety of health care facility employees.

Medical Review Officers

Annual dues are $25. Medical Review Officers who are interested in current topics in occupational and environmental medicine.

Nurse Practitioners

Annual dues are $25. Promotes opportunities for professional development and certification criteria for nurse practitioners working in OEM and serves as a forum for discussion of solutions to clinical and administrative barriers of the effective implementation of full practice.

Occupational Physicians/Physician Assistants

Annual dues are $25. Insures that the common interests of the occupational physician supervisor and physician assistant are known and presented to the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.

Occupational Toxicology

Annual dues are $25. Brings together OEM providers who have a special interest in caring for individuals or groups of workers who are exposed or potentially exposed to toxins or other hazardous exposures in the workplace. This Section will provide a forum for discussion of individual or worker care issues about toxicology and toxic or potentially hazardous exposures in the workplace as well as provide a resource to find ACOEM members who are experts in this field.

Pain and Musculoskeletal Medicine

Annual dues are $25. Members of this section will hone their clinical examination skills in musculoskeletal medicine and spine disorders.  Members who are recent graduates or in residency would benefit from the clinical education and help to improve their clinical practice. 

Physicians in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Annual dues are $25. Promotes dialogue pertaining to the occupational and preventive health issues of the pharmaceutical industry.

Private Practice in Occupational Medicine

Annual dues are $25. Representative voice of ACOEM physicians who are involved in the frontline practice of clinical occupational and environmental medicine.

Public Safety Medicine

Annual dues are $25. Focuses on occupational & environmental concerns regarding fire, police, correction officers, crossing guards, and other public safety professionals.

Residents and Recent Graduates

Annual dues are $25. An exchange forum for residents or recent graduates of occupational medicine residency and fellowship programs.


Annual dues are $25. Covers issues related to the health and safety of individuals in various transportation industries.

Underserved Occupational Populations

Annual dues are $25. Forum for those interested in special occupational health problems experienced by underserved populations such as migrant workers, off-shore commercial fisherman,loggers, hospitality workers, etc.

Work Fitness & Disability

Annual dues are $25. Physicians with special interests in disability prevention and management, return to work planning, as well as accurate work fitness and disability/impairment determinations.