Become an OEM Ambassador
How do I become an Ambassador of OEM?

(Above – ACOEM Ambassadors celebrate during AOHC 2024 in Orlando)
Becoming an ambassador for occupational and environmental medicine – and ACOEM – can help spread the word about a dynamic specialty that is often misunderstood by the medical community. By visiting your alma mater or employer university/college/medical program, you can share the stories of successful OEM physicians, create lasting mentor/mentee relationships, and invigorate the next generation of OEM thought leaders.
Interested in becoming an ACOEM Ambassador?
Send us an email! The address is monitored by our volunteer leaders and ACOEM staff.
As a member of the ACOEM Ambassador Program, you will be an integral part of ACOEM's mission of advancing the field of occupational and environmental medicine.
Have you participated in an event or given a presentation? Please
fill out this brief form so the Ambassador Program can better tailor future opportunities.
Click on the preview image below to view and download the Ambassador Program slide deck, and a helpful presentation that provides an overview of ACOEM.

Through this presentation, you will be able to…
- Describe what occupational and environmental medicine is, including the different workplace settings OEM physicians work in
- Explain the populations occupational and environmental medicine treats, drawing upon the importance of maintaining healthy and safe workplaces from Coast to Coast
- Showcase ACOEM members who have made a difference in the OEM community, while highlighting the settings these physicians practice in
- Spark dialogue about the importance of safeguarding worker health and safety in today’s multi-faceted medical environment.
This page is sponsored by Enterprise Health.

The OccTok podcast is produced by Enterprise Health to support the ACOEM Ambassador Program. Episodes feature occupational health professionals who share their stories about how they got into OEM, what they like most about the field and what advice they have for medical professionals who are considering this career path.