The House of Delegates is ACOEM’s legislative branch, making recommendations to the ACOEM Board of Directors concerning policy matters affecting the College.
These policy issues take the form of resolutions. Created in October 1966, the House usually meets twice a year — at the spring American Occupational Health Conference (AOHC) and at ACOEM HQ in the fall.
House officers are the speaker, speaker-elect, and recorder, each serving a one-year term.
House of Delegates Meetings
Resolutions must be submitted a minumum of one month in advance of the next HOD meeting.
Fall 2024 House of Delegates Meeting
November 2, 2024 Virtual
ACOEM members may register to attend as guests.
Register for the Fall 2024 HOD Meeting
The House consists of delegates - representatives from ACOEM component societies and sections. Components and sections elect or appoint delegates.
The number of delegates from components is based on a formula as determined by the ACOEM Board of Directors). Each section with 50 or more members as well as the Residents and Recent Graduates section are entitled to one delegate.
House of Delegates Work Groups
The House may have work groups of physician delegates. Chairs are appointed by the Speaker of the House to consider resolutions and create work group reports. Work groups are encouraged to remain active throughout the year, primarily through electronic interaction.
A resolution is a motion — presented in writing — for action by the House. Resolutions may be submitted by members, component societies, sections, the Board of Directors, House officers, or ACOEM councils, committees and task forces. Resolutions must be submitted to the Speaker at least four weeks in advance of the next House meeting, allowing the assigned work group time to study the resolution in preparation for the meeting.
Later resolutions may be presented up to the time that the meeting starts but will be discussed at that meeting only if a simple majority of the delegates agree to consider it. Resolutions are voted on by the entire House of Delegates, and the Speaker submits passed resolutions as action items at the next Board of Directors meeting.
Adam Walaszek
Manager, Operations & Governance