Council on OEM Science (COEMS)

Reports To Board of Directors
Leadership Chair and Vice Chair 
Member Composition Chair and Vice Chair, 8-10 Members at Large (Fellows, Active), 1 Associate Member, 1 Resident Member; informational reporting from JOEM Editorial Board Chair, LEO Oversight Committee Chair, and Guidelines Methodology Committee Chair
 Committee size will be larger in the initial year.
Committee Size Limit 15 - 17
2023-2025 Chair Ismail Nabeel, MD, MPH, MS, FACOEM
2024-2025 Vice Chair Manijeh Berenji, MD, MPH, CMLE, QME, FACOEM, FACPM, FIAIME

Council Charges

  1. Supports the College's vision, mission, strategic plan, and principles of justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion.  
  2. Identifies and addresses emerging scientific issues and controversies of importance to occupational and environmental medicine (OEM). 
  3. Assists the ACOEM Board of Directors in matters related to the practice of OEM.
  4. Develops or facilitates the development of position statements and guidance documents relevant to the practice and science of OEM.
  5. In conjunction with the Council on Government Affairs, develops or facilitates the development of scientific responses/comments to proposed government regulations and advisory standards that impact ACOEM and OEM.  
  6. Oversees maintenance, periodic updates, and additions to the online Basic Occupational Health Guides.

Proposed Charges, June 2023