
Medical Center Occupational Health

Special Interest Section
Section Members: Log In to Access Community Site

Medical Center Occupational Health SECTION leadership
Chair Lori Rolando
Secretary/Treasurer Laura Breeher
Vice Chair Rebecca Guest
Who Should Join?

ACOEM members who care for healthcare workers, or whose activities address the range of exposures common to medical centers.

  1. To provide educational opportunities to ACOEM members wishing to further their knowledge of medical center occupational health. 
  2. To provide forums for discussion of current medical center occupational health issues. 
  3. To address through ACOEM Guidance Documents or Position Statements salient issues of healthcare workers.
  4. To participate in national dialogue and provide input to federal guidance around medical center-based occupational health issues. 
Highlighted Activities  
  • Conduct yearly presentation of medical center-based topical material at AOHC seminars. 
  • Conduct annual or bi-annual presentation of ACOEM Medical Center Occupational Health and Safety Course. 
  • Produce ACOEM Guidance Documents.
  • Participate in planning of ACOEM conferences. 
  • Formulate of ACOEM responses to federal requests for commentary regarding medical center-based guidance. 
  • Participate as liaison on federal advisory committees. 
  • Hold annual in-person section meeting at AOHC.
  • Promote communication with other professionals in the field of medical center occupational health through the MCOH-EH listserv at The listserv is moderated by one or more Section members.